Posts by Category


HackTheBox: dynstr - Walkthrough

10 minute read

Introduction Dynstr is an medium difficulty room on the HackTheBox platform. The box has a web service which can be exploited to achieve command injection. ...

HackTheBox: Monitors - Walkthrough

11 minute read

Introduction Monitor is an hard difficulty room on the HackTheBox platform. The box consists of a web application that runs a Wordpress installation which i...

HackTheBox: Cap - Walkthrough

3 minute read

Introduction Cap is an easy difficulty room on the HackTheBox platform. The box consists of a web application that allows us download pcap files. One of the...

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TryHackMe: PalsForLife - Walkthrough

9 minute read

Introduction PalsForLife is a medium difficulty room on the TryHackMe platform. The room consists of a vulnerable Gitea application through which we can gai...

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